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Anyone willing to risk small bucks on these cheap chinese Rearsets?

I have been running these rearsets for some time now and the first issue I had with them is the left rearset where it holds the kickstand stripped out. The aluminum is not strong enough to support the bike in my opinion. I ended up cutting off the whole bottom of the OEM left rearset and made my own kickstand bracket. After some loctite, this setup is much stronger.
I still need to pull it back off and paint/powder coat where I made the cut and grinds but I would recommend this unless you want to machine your own bracket.
I'll try and get a picture posted later.

Did you have the setup loctite'd in the first place? When you say it stripped, this occurred when you were tightening them up or you're saying the bolts pulled out, by themselves?
No...once I got them on I went on a test ride without loctite because I figured I'd be adjusting them. What happened was when one of the bolts vibrated loose slightly, and I parked the bike, the bolt pushed against the bracket and damaged the aluminum. I tried salvaging it by using an m12 and a heli-coil but I didn't trust the bracket after that.
So it was part my fault but the aluminum was pretty soft for something that supports the whole bike. Also, I didn't want to wait 2-3 weeks for a replacement part.
Other than that hiccup I am pleased with them for the money. I wish they were more adjustable to go lower but I'll wait and see if Vortex hops on board and makes a set.
Fairly sure these are 6061-T6. Not going to get much better than that in aluminum unless you go to 7075 or 2024 but now you are into real aircraft materials.

Still 6061 is far better than the crappy cast aluminum the bike comes with.

I have not had problems with the kickstand bolts on these rear sets. I do kick stand turns and sit on the bike with the kickstand down. Maybe you got a bad set or had some install issues.
I wish I took it out of the bag, but this would've helped me a lot when I was figuring it out.

Reuse your:
All the rearset to frame mounting bolts.
Castellated nuts and hex
Shifter arm
Brake plunger rod
Brake lever return spring.

Take all the pre installed bolts off, Locktite everything.

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I'm still satisfied with the chinese cheap rearset.
The only drawbak I had was yesterday : it it not compatible with Tyga bellypas left braket, so I had to make my own Bracket.
Not critical at all, but I share for information.
Rear Brake Pedal

I find my rear break pedal really hard to use. let me explain:
When I want to press the pedal, I find it so soft that it takes me LOADS of efforts to press it down and get the feeling of the rear brake engaged.
Wondering if I should:
-shorten or find a shorter spring?
-bleed my breaks?
Or anything else I can adjust?

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I would start to bleed the brake, and if not already done, adjust the excentric to the course you need in order to avoid the dead travel.
+1 for bleeding. I never had proper braking from the rear, even after swapping out pads. Turns out the factory fill was cloudy. Freshly bled, worked 100% better immediately.
Am thinking if ordering a set for my RC.
Am undecided between black and titanium (don't personally prefer the orange)
Any one have pics of the rearsets on the bike in the titanium color. Want to see how they match up against the rest of the bike ie against the black and orange already on the swingarm and chassis.
Also are the titanium ones anodised?
They're all anodized.

Titanium on Duke.
Recently bought a set of rearsets from China on eBay whilst I was in UK for about £100 Fitting was a little fiddly but not too bad as the rear of the bike has to be supported while the rear axle bolt is removed. Am really impressed with the feel and quality of these whilst riding.

Here are some pics:

Hey guys! Has anyone ordered these recently? Can't seem to find the titanium ones on Ebay? I'd rather update an old thread than start a new one, Thanks!
Hey guys! Has anyone ordered these recently? Can't seem to find the titanium ones on Ebay? I'd rather update an old thread than start a new one, Thanks!
Titanium???! I don't think I've ever seen them in Ti. Certainly wouldn't be CHEAP! Even with the Chinese grades of Ti you typically see various eBay parts made from.