
  1. Formula390

    2017 MotoGP Weekend Open House / Customer Appreciation Party - April 21st

    As time has been getting closer and closer for the MotoGP races here in Austin, I wanted to send this invite out to everyone for our annual Open House / Customer Appreciation party on the Friday evening of the race weekend. This year that's looking like it will be April 21st. I'll have LOTS of...
  2. T

    North Texas riders join me March 5 at Cresson

    I've signed up for a RideSmart track day Sunday March 5 at Cresson and would love to have some company!!!! It will be my first official track day on the KTM and I'm excited. It's a little prep for the xmas present my wife bought me. She bought me a California Superbike school package for...
  3. Formula390

    Texas Flood

    I'm sure most if not all have heard about the flooding we've had here in Central Texas of late. Here's what happened to one of the bridges that strings together a few entertaining roads... Who needs to wait for the Adventure 390 anyway! The RC can handle stuff like this, no problem! :) I've...
  4. M

    Riders of RC 390 in Austin Texas area

    Hello all, I am curious if anyone from the austin texas area owns a rc 390? If so do you all know of any dealerships in the area to go check the rc 390 out in person?
  5. Texas250

    Hello from Texas

    Hello to all 14 of you, talk about getting in on the ground floor, just kidding, I'm glad to be here. My name is Matt and I live in Texas. I have a 2012 tri color CBR250R ABS that I have been riding for 2 years this month, I'm just learning. I was actually considering putting my smallest CBR...