
  1. D

    MCN Review of Frando MC

    The Frando is a basic, but very well-made piece of gear, for quite a reasonable price. In a blind test, it is doubtful whether it could be distinguished from a Brembo RCS. The Frando 15mm is an excellent 390 upgrade, IMO. Frando master cylinder improves braking feel | MCN
  2. psych0hans

    brembo 17rcs/19rcs or frando 17mm/19mm master cylinder

    Im planning on buying a new master cylinder for my bike and im torn between the 17 and 19mm models. A lot of guys use the 19rcs and are very happy with it, but i havent seen any reviews of the 17rcs at all. im also considering frando as an option, as im getting decent priciing on them,but not...